Recently, I had the privilege of undertaking this course and journey. I hope you embark with me, as I share my experiences and personal insights gained from this this time of creative recovery.
Three major tools of The Artist's Way are morning pages, artist dates, and tasks.
Morning pages are 3 stream-of-conscious, handwritten pages done every morning. Anything that comes to mind is written in longhand, no matter how seemingly grotesque, awful, petty, or boring. They are meant as a communion and meditation with your unfiltered self. They are meant to help override the Censor, the "grownup," adult, judgmental part of yourself that prevents, halts, blocks you from doing and living. The Censor is a shame- and fear-maker. The morning pages help.
Artist date is a date with your artist -- about two hours set aside every week to solely allow your artist-child to come out to play and explore. It is meant as a nurturing tool. After all, your artist is a delicate child, and sensitive children are better convinced and feel safe when coaxed than when bullied (who wouldn't?).
Tasks are homework assignments and activities (typically 10 of them) related to each week's provided chapter of insightful essays and exercises.
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