Monday, January 26, 2015

Things I Am Not Allowed #4: Makin' My Movies

Number four that I listed in this series is, "Make my screenplays into movies myself," as in directing, producing, and acting. Here's what appeared:

I actually directly relied on what I've learned about doodles from Energy Profiling with this one.

Basically, I could probably do it. I possess the leadership within me to potentially do it, though it would, obviously, be an incredible learning and tutelage experience (I would definitely need collaboration on the business and technical side of things). I would often feel like a mad mess inside, but there would be such a sense of art and flow to my method that others may not always sense my immense stress level. But, hey, on a movie set, who isn't stressed out of their mind?

Monday, January 19, 2015

Scriptural Rambling: Seeking Righteous Judgments

Recently, I had an interesting understanding that I was reminded of while reading scriptures concerning judging others, that I wanted to share. I'm not directing it at anyone. I just felt like sharing.

Christ speaks about it in The New Testament:
  • "Judge not, that ye be not judged. For what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged" (Matthew 7:1-2; see also Luke 6:37).
  • "Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgments" (John 7:24).
  • "Ye judge after the flesh; I judge no man. And yet if I judge, my judgment is true" (John 8:15-16).
However, I was reading in The Book of Mormon where Moroni says, "The Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil" (Moroni 7:16). Of course, Moroni is in the middle of discussing how to not be persuaded to take good for evil or evil for good. He is instructing on making righteous judgments -- that is, in a godly moral sense, righteousness/goodness is right, and unrighteousness/wickedness is wrong. "Wherefore, all things which are good cometh of God" (Moroni 7:12). " [Christ's] Spirit...persuadeth men to do good. And whatsoever thing persuadeth men to do good is of me; for good cometh of none save it be of me. I am the same that leadeth men to all good" (Ether 4:11-12). "And whatsoever thing is good is just and true; wherefore, nothing that is good denieth the Christ, but acknowledgeth that he is" (Moroni 10:6).

Moroni continues in verse 18 of that 7th chapter: "And now, my brethren, seeing that ye know the light by which ye may judge, which light is the light of Christ, see that ye do not judge wrongfully; for with that same judgment which ye judge ye shall also be judged."

Monday, January 12, 2015

Things I Am Not Allowed #3: Concert Tour

Revisiting this series of The Artist's Way tasks, of doodling things I'm not allowed, the third I listed was, "Give a sell-out concert tour." Out popped this:

So, yeah. I agree. "Whatever, bozo," was my first reaction, as well. I considered it longer and found that to give a concert series to the caliber that I would love to do, I currently only have a very skeletal framework. I have a library of songs I have written (though tucked away, for whatever reason) and a few images in my head (though nothing matured).

There are plenty gaps to fill in, if this is to be accomplished. And of course, the biggest obstacle in doing any of this has been myself, since I've only taken passive steps toward it.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

My Energy Profile: A Self-Portrait

A few days ago, I shared an overview of Carol Tuttle's Energy Profiling system. Now, time for the grand reveal of my Energy Profile:

I am a Type 1 light-hearted, animated man!

Ta-da! My Energy Profile is 1-2-4-3, exactly like my mother. I lead with a Type 1 Energy that is strongly supported by a soft, subtle Type 2 Energy, closely followed by a reflective, bold Type 4 Energy. And last is my swift, sassy Type 3 Energy (obviously). Each supporting energy has served me well, and I see that the qualities I express in those Energies still maintain a flair of my spontaneous Type 1 Energy.

Let me share some ways I express this energy combination in my life.

To be honest, I feel a bit funny writing this. It feels like it's a stream of me, me, me. But my hopes would be that you can understand how the Energy Profiling system can play into, bring insight to, and be evidenced in someone's life. Also, perhaps, you may connect with my tendencies and notice those qualities in your own expression of those Energies, or in the expression of other people.

My Art

In describing her 2014 single "Into the Blue," Kylie Minogue (Type 1) summed up the track in what is probably the best description, I would say, of a Type 1-2's tendencies and outlook on life, stating, "It's a little bit melancholy, but it's ultimately euphoric." Looking over my own art, which -- true to my random Type 1 nature -- covers many different mediums of expression, I feel I can say the same about every piece I have ever created. In fact, much of the art that personally appeals to me can receive that same description, hence my strong draw to breezy pop and bubblegum pop. I've felt my everyday internal world as a Type 1-2 movement could be demonstrated in the 2:51-3:33 segment of Owl City's "Cave In:"

Physical Features

Monday, January 5, 2015

Carol Tuttle's Energy Profiling System


This post is fun! We all are familiar with personality types. Well, a little over a year ago, I discovered Carol Tuttle's Energy Profiling system, a movement based assessment that takes into account behavioral tendencies, body language, physical features, feeling processes, and thought processes.

My purpose in sharing this is to start off the new year with something that may help us get to know ourselves a little better. Discovering a more "true" you may be just around the corner! Plus, it plays some into a few of my future posts, since it's taken an interesting role in my life. Most importantly for future posts, pay attention to doodles.

Energy Profiling presents the idea that everyone was born with their energy profile and that it never changes. We all were given our gifts with our energy type and will be happiest and will thrive most, with those around us, as we live true to that nature and honor others as they live true to their nature. Of course, though there are only four energy types, everyone is unique in their individual expression of their type. Also, everyone possesses all four types within them, though we all lead with one of the types. Further, the energy types express in all forms of nature, including environments and animals, and in many different aspects of life, such as music and what clothes, hairstyles, and makeup work best for someone (Carol and her team have organized an entire program for this entitled Dressing Your Truth, or DYT; its introductory book is Discover Your Personal Beauty Profile).

Another major aspect Energy Profiling accomplishes is that it disbands most behavioral qualities of gender, validating and honoring personal gifts that are often squelched by societal expectations. While society may impose a standard of what one must be in order to represent a prime example of their gender, Energy Profiling grants opportunity for everyone to live true to what is most natural to them. Many members of each sex possess qualities that society may try to discount, qualities and gifts we often miss in our world, all for the sake of shaming. Let us build, rather than tear down.

Needless to say, there is a lot to be said about energy profiling, but I'll try to be brief. You can look further into it if it peaks your interest. More can be known about it in Carol's book It's Just My Nature! and through her free ENERGY PROFILING online course.

Now, to qualify yourself as a type, there is no test, as with many personality inquiries, which results can be tainted and, therefore, not necessarily a most accurate assessment of who you truly are at your core. When you learn of the types, you intuitively will know what type you dominantly express (and what you express as your secondary, tertiary, and so forth). They are named just by numbers: Type 1, Type 2, etc.