I am a Type 1 light-hearted, animated man!
Ta-da! My Energy Profile is 1-2-4-3, exactly like my mother. I lead with a Type 1 Energy that is strongly supported by a soft, subtle Type 2 Energy, closely followed by a reflective, bold Type 4 Energy. And last is my swift, sassy Type 3 Energy (obviously). Each supporting energy has served me well, and I see that the qualities I express in those Energies still maintain a flair of my spontaneous Type 1 Energy.
Let me share some ways I express this energy combination in my life.
To be honest, I feel a bit funny writing this. It feels like it's a stream of me, me, me. But my hopes would be that you can understand how the Energy Profiling system can play into, bring insight to, and be evidenced in someone's life. Also, perhaps, you may connect with my tendencies and notice those qualities in your own expression of those Energies, or in the expression of other people.
My Art
In describing her 2014 single "Into the Blue," Kylie Minogue (Type 1) summed up the track in what is probably the best description, I would say, of a Type 1-2's tendencies and outlook on life, stating, "It's a little bit melancholy, but it's ultimately euphoric." Looking over my own art, which -- true to my random Type 1 nature -- covers many different mediums of expression, I feel I can say the same about every piece I have ever created. In fact, much of the art that personally appeals to me can receive that same description, hence my strong draw to breezy pop and bubblegum pop. I've felt my everyday internal world as a Type 1-2 movement could be demonstrated in the 2:51-3:33 segment of Owl City's "Cave In:"
My nose is a very 1-2 nose--star point with an s-curve coming down it. Though, from straight on, it looks a bit like an inverted heart. In fact, much of my face is made up of heart shapes. My ears form half hearts. My lips form a heart. Segments of my bone structure play into forming hearts with each other. For upward movement, the tip of my nose forms a circular button that turns slightly upward. The front of my hairline is an upward-reaching cowlick -- that sucker won't lay down for anything!
My secondary Type 2 manifests as long s-curves that cascade down my entire face.
I've always been small-bodied, but even at my most fit/tone times, my body didn't resemble the same chiseled leanness of my (Type 3) comrades who were engaged in the same physical activities as me. Tone or not, my body takes on circular, rounded features -- and yes, even heart shapes.
Regarding dating interests, a good 4-3 friend of mine stated, "It's entertaining watching other people think they can try to get you. You're air. You're playful and flirty in your teasing, but the harder people try to grab air the quicker it moves through their fingers." Indeed, for him to draw this conclusion, he's seen it happen time and time again -- so often, he has trouble keeping up with the names and backgrounds of them all. Is it any wonder this same friend compared our friendship to the relationship between Paul Varjak and Holly Golightly in the film Breakfast at Tiffany's, amongst other striking similarities with the characters? (Even though these characteristics fit my energy type, flighty qualities have had much to do with my previously mentioned fallacies, I'm sure.)
Continuing with the air metaphor, a sense of freedom is important to Type 1's, but without direction, air can seem aimless. Also, air is remarkably adaptable and readily agreeable (and in that way, incredibly impressionable) to whatever container it is concealed in. Too constrictive a container will cause air to become frustrated and lead it to sneakily seep or break its way free to its desired area of exploration, or else live miserably. This adaptability can be a gift, however, as whatever is needed for a moment can be quickly brought forward in an appropriate manner, socially or otherwise. In a Type 1 sense, this adapting quality can challenge these individuals in looking to others for definition, as they are socially-driven and socially-connected to the world, ultimately seeking anchoring and support for permission to be themselves. Indeed, they can lose themselves to others, especially while adapting to Type 3 and Type 4 Energies, Carol says.
High movement! There is always a lot of movement to express. I am nearly always fidgeting or playing with something -- my poor cuticles! My stride is small, but quick, with a bounce. I tend to dance, skip, and bounce my way from point A to point B -- never in a straight line and never the same way twice. My light countenance is noticeable, and I have a habit of genuinely liking and loving everything -- sincerely lifting those around me, as I share an honest joy and excitement for them and with them. Often, my laughter has been described as an "infectious fast flutter." I think and communicate quickly, needing little time or gap-fills to pick up concepts and social cues.
Heart Shapes -- Lips |
I have a wide array of friends and make new friends easily. The concept of an "acquaintance" has always been funny to me. I've always felt that if I knew you, you ought to be my friend, as I considered myself a friend to you. In the latest church congregation I was a part of in Utah, I was known for welcoming any new face, though I had no highly formal responsibilities to make that necessary. They were too intriguing not to talk to! Basically, I would offer myself as their best friend for the day, accompanying them to the rest of the day's meetings and engaging in delightful conversation that most often led them to request I take their phone number that they might be more in the loop with church and other social activities.
I can be a non-stop mingler at parties. I find this is easiest when I have a good friend present to serve as my anchor. Even if they do not mingle about the room with me, and even if I don't know another soul there, I feel a sense of security, as I occasionally check back with them as a home. However, without this anchor and support, I can find myself feeling lost (aimless) in some settings and can silently hole myself uncomfortably into a corner.
Type 2
Old piles |
Also, emotions! If ever there was a bane to my existence! I could live with any "thorn in side." None of them seem insurmountable, but I admit to having tearfully prayed that I could not be sooo emotional and have so many feelings all.the.time!. The response I got was that I was made with emotions for beautiful reasons, even if I do not always see them. And yes, I have come to see that my emotional approach to things has been a benefit with connecting with others and being sensitive to their comfort, while adding important (sentimental, emotionally grounded) qualities to my work as an artist. My emotions are an extended expression of my softness. In fact, realizing my sensitivities, several of my foreign-speaking friends, male and female, reference me as, and greet me with, "Lovely American."
Type 4
Heart Shapes -- Cheeks, Face, Nose |
Type 3
I can be sassy and edgy, often for humor. When I seriously cannot stand to sit any longer among a stagnant group, I will take charge to move things forward, especially toward play. Since Type 3 is my least prominent Energy, for immediate and easiest connection with people who lead with it, I've noticed I tend to reach for a connection with their secondary Energy, until I can find how we mesh and how to best honor their expression of their Energy. Being close to some Type 3's has helped me to be more defined as a person and to speak up for myself more often, through their encouragement.
Obviously, these descriptions are particular to me, and this is only a fast rundown of my expression of these Energies, though this is a long post.
In what ways do you express your Energy?
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