Monday, January 26, 2015

Things I Am Not Allowed #4: Makin' My Movies

Number four that I listed in this series is, "Make my screenplays into movies myself," as in directing, producing, and acting. Here's what appeared:

I actually directly relied on what I've learned about doodles from Energy Profiling with this one.

Basically, I could probably do it. I possess the leadership within me to potentially do it, though it would, obviously, be an incredible learning and tutelage experience (I would definitely need collaboration on the business and technical side of things). I would often feel like a mad mess inside, but there would be such a sense of art and flow to my method that others may not always sense my immense stress level. But, hey, on a movie set, who isn't stressed out of their mind?

The sharp angles and triangles that largely jet through the drawing demonstrate that I can take charge when needed, without reservation, calling the shots to accomplish what (big) tasks need to get done. However, all the random marks and animated shapes, and s-curves, suggest that my leadership would be highly influenced by my buoyant, bright nature supported by my fluid, gentle movement of sentimental grounding.

Wow. That pretty much sums up how I take leadership in anything, really.

Actually, now seeing that description makes it sound not too bad. It sounds fun! Having never done anything on scale of a feature film, though, I have no doubt it'd have its trials. Hmm.

Music for this one fell on "Unbelievable" by Diamond Rio, which was unbelievably fitting. The uptempo matches the sense of frantically running everywhere to get everything done, though the sound is cheerful enough to portray the joy and fulfillment I'd receive from doing something I absolutely love and find rewarding. The lyrics are a clear shot in expressing laying everything you are made of on the line for something precious and beautiful -- perfect intentions for making a film. Indeed, that experience would be unbelievable.

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